
May 12, 2023

Kurtis Meeker

我之所以选择澳门银河网站,是因为我最初想要主修音乐教育,成为一名音乐教师. 我主修音乐表演,因为我发现在公立学校教音乐并不是我想做的事. A major challenge I encountered while at Heidelberg was my change in major and I handled
May 11, 2023

Saefelislam Forgani

我选择澳门银河网站的原因是这里的教育水平高,而且可以和教授一对一的交流. I majored in Biology because I want to be a Doctor. A major challenge I encountered while at Heidelberg was getting over being homesick, and I handled it by engaging with the community which supported my
May 11, 2023

Madalyn Newby

我之所以选择澳门银河网站,是因为我喜欢这里小巧的校园氛围,也喜欢理科有动物实验室和尸体实验室的机会. I majored in biochemistry and biology because I want to go into veterinary medicine. A major challenge I encountered while at Heidelberg was holding multiple executive
May 11, 2023

Jordan Day

Psychology Major I chose Heidelberg because of the Volleyball & Psychology program. 我主修心理学,因为我一直知道我想在大学里学习心理学,并最终成为一名治疗师或咨询师. 我在大二的时候增加了一个犯罪学专业,因为在犯罪部门缺乏(心理健康)资源
May 11, 2023

Paige Leitner

我之所以选择澳门银河网站,是因为我四年前踏入澳门银河网站的感觉. I knew immediately after coming to Heidelberg for a visit that this was the school for me. After years of searching for the right school, Heidelberg proved to me that it could provide the experience I was seeking. Its alluring campus, small
May 11, 2023

Kortland Andrews

我之所以选择澳门银河网站,是因为澳门银河网站在学生和教职员工之间营造了家庭氛围,也因为澳门银河网站让学生参与的所有机会和活动. 我的专业是音乐教育,因为我相信音乐是最好的方式之一,教学生的生活经验
May 10, 2023

Daniel Orozco

我选择澳门银河网站是因为和凯斯西储大学的3+2项目. 我之所以选择数学专业,是因为它是很多领域学习的基础,可以让我对这些领域有所了解. 我在澳门银河网站遇到的一个主要挑战是远离家乡,我通过专注于我的
May 10, 2023

Quinnlyn Conley

Education Major I chose Heidelberg because I loved the small, tight-knit community and the opportunities I would have. 我还想参加赛跑,成为越野赛队的一员,并在澳门银河网站学习早期儿童教育,因为我听说这里的教育项目非常棒. I majored in primary education because I have wanted to be a
May 10, 2023

Griffin Pendry

我选择澳门银河网站是因为它是唯一一所真正给我运动机会的学校,我喜欢这里的校园. It felt old yet new. I majored in Accounting & 经济学是因为我在高中的最后一年选修了会计课,我很喜欢它,所以我觉得这将是一条很好的道路. A major challenge I
May 10, 2023

Isabel Chasney

Political Science, 我选择澳门银河网站是因为它给了我很多不同的机会. When I came on my visit, everyone was incredibly friendly. And when I told them that I wanted to participate in sports, study abroad, and triple major, no one ever told me no; instead, it was "we can make that
May 10, 2023

Guy Tibbels

我之所以选择澳门银河网站,是因为我想拥有比小型学校更多的个人关注, continue my athletic career, and stay closer to home. I majored in Accounting because I was interested in learning how businesses work. I knew I wanted to work with numbers and the process of how transactions and events are
May 9, 2023

Adrian Barman

我选择澳门银河网站是因为我喜欢这里的小学院和美丽的校园! I majored in 健康 Science because I knew it would prepare me for a job in healthcare. 我在澳门银河网站遇到的一个主要挑战是申请研究生院,我通过向我的教授和导师寻求帮助来解决这个问题
May 9, 2023

Lauren Gronsky

Accounting, Economics and Business Administration I chose Heidelberg because of my mom. 她在这里上学,并积极地谈论学校的人和整体环境. I am thankful to say she was right. 你周围都是令人惊叹的教职员工,他们真正关心你,支持你,引导你进入新的世界
May 9, 2023

Nathaniel Kunzler

我选择澳门银河网站是因为化学系的学术水平很高, and to play collegiate soccer. 我主修生物化学和生物学是为了给自己最好的全面知识,以便进入职场, go to graduate school, or medical school. A major challenge I encountered while at
May 9, 2023

Nicholas Hausman

我选择澳门银河网站是因为这是一所离家近的好学校,提供我感兴趣的专业. 我主修生物化学和数学,因为我一直着迷于化学物质相互作用创造澳门银河网站所知道的一切的方式,以及数字如何帮助解释和预测. A major challenge I
May 9, 2023

Jared Buchholz

工商管理专业我选择澳门银河网站是因为我对商学院和PlusOneAdvantage MBA项目很感兴趣. 我主修工商管理,因为我想了解经营企业的各个方面, and one day possibly open my own. A major challenge I encountered while at Heidelberg was burnout and I handled it by
May 8, 2023

Zane Mirgon

Accounting Major I chose Heidelberg because of the size of the campus and how close everyone is, making it easy to make friends. 我主修会计是因为我对数字很在行,而且和钱在一起总是很有趣. 我在澳门银河网站遇到的一个主要挑战是COVID-19,我通过与我所有的朋友保持联系来应对它
May 8, 2023

Hannah Huthmaker

我选择澳门银河网站是因为每次我参观校园都能感受到社区的感觉. It immediately felt like home. Especially after the Scholars Day, 我能看出教职员工在学生教育上真正投入了多少,我知道我能在这样的环境中取得成功. I majored in
May 8, 2023

Noah Paris

我选择澳门银河网站是因为这里的家庭氛围很亲密. 我主修政治学和经济学,因为这是我非常热衷的两个领域. 我在澳门银河网站一年级时遇到的一个主要挑战是适应澳门银河网站,我通过把自己放在那里和
May 8, 2023

Ethan Campbell

我选择澳门银河网站是因为我在这里遇到的人和老师都非常好. They welcomed me in with open arms during the tour I took here during high school, and have continued to afterward. I majored in Computer Science because I have always had a passion for that area, and the faculty here have inspired me to continue in