
May 2, 2023

Katelyn Gluck

我选择澳门银河网站是因为这里有很多机会,而且一踏进校园就有一种家的感觉. 我之所以选择心理学专业,是因为我努力去理解和发现心灵,从而帮助他人,使人类变得更好. A major challenge I encountered while at Heidelberg was
May 13, 2022

Bernae DySart

I chose Heidelberg because it felt like home. 我在蒙特梭利高中读了三年,这所学校很小,让我可以和老师一对一地交流, was something that I was looking for. I wanted to make sure that my professors knew me. My parents were impressed by Dr. David Hogan’s honesty during our first meeting in
May 13, 2022

Em Swain

I chose Heidelberg because of the flexibility that they offered. When I was going through my college search, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to study – I had many interests, and wanted to do something that would help me explore all of them. 澳门银河网站的几个专业给了我一张安全网,我知道我可以换专业而不会失去我的专业
May 12, 2022

Spencer Tredwell

我选择澳门银河网站是因为校园的家庭氛围,以及我与足球教练Pat Svihlik和Steven Smith建立的关系. 我主修会计/工商管理,因为我想把我分析的兴趣和学习成功商业实践的愿望结合起来. Above all, Heidelberg prepared me to
May 12, 2022

Kaitlyn Ferrario

我选择澳门银河网站是因为这里友好的氛围和老师与学生之间的联系. 我主修会计,因为我爱上了数字所讲述的故事,我很高兴有机会通过会计领域帮助别人. A major challenge I encountered while at Heidelberg was balancing work
May 12, 2022

Drew Arko

我选择澳门银河网站是因为他们有很棒的尸体研究项目,我的家人也在这里上过学. 我主修生物学,因为我热爱科学,这对我的研究生学习很重要. 我在澳门银河网站遇到的一个主要挑战是适应新冠肺炎的并发症. I handled it by doing as much as I could with
May 11, 2022

Brooke Franz

我选择澳门银河网站是因为从我踏入校园的那一刻起,它就像一个社区. 我主修心理学和犯罪学,因为这是我一直感兴趣的话题. However, the department and professors always made me feel welcome and supported, even when I was at home for a full school year due to COVID. A major challenge
May 11, 2022

Paige Allen-Marsh

I chose Heidelberg because I wanted the opportunity to study in the cadaver lab. I also was drawn to the small student-to-professor ratio. 我本科的专业是生物学,研究生的专业是工商管理,因为我想成为一名注册护士,最终有能力管理整个护士队伍. A major
May 11, 2022

Jasmine Ridler

I chose Heidelberg because I loved the welcoming environment, the thorough understanding of struggle with the means of help, the atmosphere of encouragement, and the culmination of different perspectives. 我主修戏剧表演和历史,因为我一直想在这两个领域学习和深造. I wanted to explore the side of
May 11, 2022

Thomas Schnitker

最初我选择来澳门银河网站是因为我不想放弃一项运动. 我主修心理学,因为它似乎与我合拍,而且更容易理解. 我在澳门银河网站遇到的一个主要挑战是,由于我的军事任务,我不得不在这里或那里休息一年, and I handled it by
May 10, 2022

Cole Geiser

I chose Heidelberg because I had the opportunity to continue my sports career, as well as receive a well-rounded education. 另一个原因是因为澳门银河网站提供的PlusOneAdvantage®MBA学位. 我主修健康科学,因为我未来的职业目标是成为一名脊椎按摩师. A major challenge I encountered while at Heidelberg
May 10, 2022

Riley Gibson

每次我参加的招生日会议,他们也会让澳门银河网站谈论“我为什么选择澳门银河网站”.” Honestly, I didn’t choose Heidelberg. I couldn’t say that to prospective students, of course, so I crafted some sentimental story using bits and pieces of truth. I didn’t choose Heidelberg at first. I was 17, and I didn’t know what I wanted. I only
May 10, 2022

David Haines

I chose Heidelberg because it felt like home. 我主修会计和心理学,因为我想追求我所有的兴趣. 我在澳门银河网站遇到的一个主要挑战是大流行,我通过在生活中创造更好的平衡,变得更有条理来应对它. Above all, Heidelberg prepared me to lead. Outside of the
May 10, 2022

Sarah Toppin

I chose Heidelberg because the moment I got onto campus it felt like home. Everyone we met said hi and made sure we were having a good time. 人们总是告诉我,当我走在校园里的时候,我就知道我想去哪所学校了. They were right; the second I walked on campus I knew this is where I was supposed to be. I majored in Health
May 9, 2022

Kayla Mullinax

我选择澳门银河网站是因为这里热情的氛围和AJY大三的项目. 我真的很想在国外学习一整年,而不是只有一个学期. I also liked the small campus atmosphere. 我主修英语,因为阅读和写作一直是我的主要学术兴趣, as well as recreational hobbies
May 9, 2022

Sarah Shoots

我选择澳门银河网站是因为澳门银河网站的校园更小,班级规模更小,这让我觉得自己更受欢迎. 这里的每个人都像家人一样,每个人都为学校感到自豪,这让人觉得这是一个正确的选择. 我之所以选择工商管理专业,是因为我觉得在一个以男性为主的专业中,女性代表很重要. I also enjoy
May 9, 2022

Jessica Martini

I chose Heidelberg because when I had my visit, everyone was extremely outgoing and treated my family and I like we belonged here. I majored in Health Science because I wanted to pursue a career in Physical Therapy, and am highly interested in the human body. 我在澳门银河网站遇到的一个主要挑战是克服社交焦虑和
May 9, 2022

Gavin Buurma

我之所以选择澳门银河网站,是因为有一天深夜,我一个人去看剧院排练,当时我正沿着校园的主要街道走着准备离开, I just knew it was the place I had to spend the next 4 years. 我的专业是音乐剧,因为我从6岁起就对它充满了热情. When I started at Heidelberg as a theatre
May 6, 2022

Paige Leary

I chose Heidelberg because it felt like home. 当我第一次进入校园进行个人游时,每个人都非常友好,他们确保我受到欢迎. 我的专业是初等教育,获得了ISP的认可,因为我想帮助孩子们明白学校很重要,他们永远不会觉得自己做不到
May 6, 2022

Mitchell Luken

我选择澳门银河网站是因为我对国家水质研究中心非常感兴趣,并且对环境科学项目印象深刻. 我主修环境科学和生物学,因为我想为子孙后代保护地球的自然资源和野生动物. A major challenge I encountered while at Heidelberg was