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Young alum, now Tiffin mayor inspires new students: ‘Dream big’

就在短短12年前, 亚伦·蒙茨坐在开幕式的观众席上, 一个充满伟大梦想的新生. 周四, Montz ’08 was back on campus (as he frequently is) to give the Convocation address – as Tiffin’s mayor. At age 30, 这是他的第二任期, having won re-election with an 85 percent margin of victory last fall


是什么让我爱澳门银河网站,并把澳门银河网站称为我的家. Ever since I stepped foot at 澳门银河网站, I knew this was the campus for me. The air was filled with a strong sense of pride and integrity. I knew that this was a place that I could eventually call home, my Heidelberg Home. This is a place where I have made a family for myself, and it is


Less than a year after she received her ‘Berg bachelor’s degree, Victoria Amburgey has completed a second: her master’s degree in accounting at Bowling Green State University. She was the recipient of the 2015 scholarship through the Berg-Falcon Master of Accountancy Scholarship Program. Less than a year after she received her ‘Berg bachelor’s degree, Victoria Amburgey has completed a second: her master’s degree in accounting at Bowling Green State University. She was the recipient of the 2015 scholarship through the Berg-Falcon Master of Accountancy Scholarship Program. -详见:http://澳门银河网站 Less than a year after she received her ‘Berg bachelor’s degree, Victoria Amburgey has completed a second: her master’s degree in accounting at Bowling Green State University. She was the recipient of the 2015 scholarship through the Berg-Falcon Master of Accountancy Scholarship Program. -详见:http://澳门银河网站

Q&A和Jon Waters

欢迎来到澳门银河网站! 你最兴奋的是什么? I am most excited about becoming a part of the Heidelberg family! 我迫不及待地想让澳门银河网站的学生参与到音乐事业中来, and I can’t wait to build a tradition of excellence on campus and throughout the community. 你对这个秋天的愿景是什么? 我对秋季的愿景是尽可能多地参与进来


The 认证 Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) has awarded 澳门银河网站 full accreditation of its business programs. ACBSP is the only organization offering specialized business accreditation for all degree levels. ACBSP accreditation certifies that the teaching and learning processes within the business programs and

毕业典礼倒计时:Melissa Tippin

梅丽莎·蒂平迷住了她的声音教授. Carol Dusdieker,从第一天开始. For the past four years, the bond between professor and student has deepened. She captured me that first week of her freshman year when she auditioned for The Drowsy Chaperone,卡罗尔说. “她的能量绝对具有感染力. 梅丽莎来自俄亥俄州布莱恩

毕业典礼倒计时:Kyle Fluharty

Kyle Fluharty came to Heidelberg for two reasons: baseball and science. 在澳门银河网站的四年里,他在这两方面都表现出色, and discovered that his passions and pursuits worked together to help define his future. 最初是棒球让我找到了澳门银河网站,”凯尔说. “然后我发现了尸体实验室. 自从我来到这里,我就一直在找

毕业典礼倒计时:Ben Sniezek

This summer will be the first in 17 years that Ben Sniezek won’t be playing baseball. He’ll still be part of the game he loves, just in a different – and hopefully, bigger – way. 毕业后, Ben is headed for an internship with Baseball Info Solutions, 与美国职业棒球大联盟分包合同的公司, 提供有价值的分析


Graduates and their families were bundled in coats and hats for Sunday’s 163rd Commencement, 但连寒气都没有, wind, or snow could stop the evident excitement and pride felt by the Class of 2016. 戴着手套, President Rob Huntington began the ceremony by telling the graduates that while commencement marks the end of their Heidelberg


澳门银河网站’s accreditation with the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) has been reaffirmed for the next 10 years. 这对学校来说是个重要的好消息! In the words of President Rob Huntington: “This is an important step for the future of Heidelberg as we continue to shape the institution in ways that will provide our


Bethany Beaver was 6 years old during the 9/11 terrorist attacks. 她记得“当时非常害怕和困惑.不过,当美国总统乔治. Bush spoke these reassuring words to the nation: These acts of mass murder were intended to frighten our nation into chaos and retreat. 但是他们失败了. 澳门银河网站的国家是



结束了! The glitz, the glam, the great friendships and fun all rolled together to make “Heidelberg Hollywood” a huge hit. About 400 alumni returned for Alumni Weekend 2016 to celebrate class reunions, connections new and old and a year of accomplishments at Heidelberg. Alumni Weekend kicked off Thursday with the annual Heritage Society dinner



Olivia Burke is a typical college senior – excited for graduation, a little nervous about where she’ll land her first teaching job. So it may a surprise to know how skillfully she has managed a chronic illness almost her entire life, making necessary adjustments to become the first in her family to go to a four-year college. 奥利维亚是3万人中的一员


Sophomore Enya Granados is headed to the University of Wisconsin-Madison for a summer research program that will allow her to synthesize her two academic interests: education and biology. 在两名教师导师的帮助下,她的研究取得了成功. 生物学的Justin Pruneski博士. Karen Jones in education, Enya applied for and was accepted into UW’s Summer


当音乐学院 & Theatre set out to find a dynamic educator with equally strong qualifications in teaching and conducting to join an already talented faculty, they found their man in former Ohio State band director Jon Waters. Waters will join Heidelberg’s faculty July 1 as assistant professor of music education and director of bands


When ‘Berg junior Ali Bauer arrives at San Jose State University in June for a prestigious six-week summer school in nuclear and radiochemistry, it won’t be her first walk around the block at a major chemistry lab. The Division of Nuclear Chemistry and 技术 of the American Chemical Society sponsors the summer school, 它是由美国资助的