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Jun 10, 2024

'Berg business professor co-authors textbook on leadership

Associate Professor of Business Dr. Lisa Kahle-Piasecki has co-authored a new textbook on the topic of leadership, along with coco-author Catherine Rymsha. Their book, titled Leadership for the Now, is published by Kendall Hunt Publishing. It is currently available. According to Lisa, the book features interviews with local leaders, including
Jun 4, 2024

Heidelberg summer music camp set to bring the SING June 16-20

Heidelberg’s School of Music & Theatre is getting ready to bring the SING at its Vocal Arts Intensive summer camp June 16-20. 13-18岁的中学生和高中生被邀请参加为期五天的澳门银河网站校园夏令营,以发现他们的声乐潜力. Both overnight and commuter options are available. Participants will
Jun 3, 2024

HU, ONU PharmD pathway builds on undergrad science foundation

The job outlook is bright for future pharmacists. Now, 澳门银河网站学生谁想要追求他们的学位在该领域有一个极好的机会,在该国最负盛名的药学院之一. Late last month, 澳门银河网站与俄亥俄北方大学签署了一项新的合作伙伴关系,这将为想要进入澳门银河网站的学生打开大门
May 29, 2024

Summer Day Camps: Come for a day, leave entertained, informed, empowered

澳门银河网站(Heidelberg University)将在7月举办一系列夏令营,让学生们在一天的时间里摆脱夏季的无聊. High school students who seize this opportunity will find themselves scared (in a good way), learn how to conduct scientific research, delve into a world where pop music meets mental health, and practice new techniques in acting, singing and
May 29, 2024

NCWQR team shares research at international Great Lakes conference

来自澳门银河网站国家水质研究中心的研究小组在温莎举行的第67届五大湖年度研究会议上分享了研究成果, Canada, last week. At the conference, NCWQR Director Laura Johnson, Dr. 内特·曼宁和科琳·科斯格罗夫组织了一场名为“大小支流”的特别会议. During
May 28, 2024

'Berg's Chem Club shares accomplishments, lessons, hopes in ACS article

澳门银河网站的化学俱乐部是美国化学会杰出学生分会之一,最近在《澳门银河网站》上刊登了一篇文章, the ACS student magazine. 伯格化学俱乐部的领导艾莉莎·德尔和克尔斯滕·克拉赫特分享了该组织在过去一年的活动和吸取的教训, as well as their hopes for next year. Check out
May 28, 2024

'Berg's fastest man finishes 15th at DIII Nationals

MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. 澳门银河网站历史上跑得最快的人的辉煌的大二赛季在周五的NCAA第三区全国锦标赛中结束. Entering as the last of 22 qualifiers in the 100-meterr dash, Jake McEntyre finished 15th, running a 10.606. The top eight finishers advanced to Saturday's finals. Jake
May 28, 2024

Record 60 student-athletes earn Academic All-OAC honors

WESTERVILLE, 俄亥俄州——创纪录的60名澳门银河网站学生运动员获得了俄亥俄州学术运动大会的荣誉, as announced by the league on Thursday. The number of 2024 honorees surpassed the previous 55, set in 2018. For the 2023-24 school year, a total of 124 'Berg student-athletes earned Academic All-OAC laurels, besting the
May 13, 2024

Commencement '24: Goals to 'live the life you want to live'

澳门银河网站第171届毕业典礼在很多方面都是完美的一天,因为2024届的278名毕业生开始了他们作为澳门银河网站的新旅程, 准备好体验“巨大的成功和巨大的满足感”,因为他们过着有意义的生活. On a joyous Mother’s Day, a proud class celebrated the culmination of their
May 10, 2024

Advice to welcome new grads into alumni family, their futures

Some 15,000名澳门银河网站澳门银河网站经历了24届毕业生今天早上即将开始的事情——走上讲台,接受文凭,成为澳门银河网站澳门银河网站大家庭的一员. Whether they graduated a few years ago or a few decades ago, our alumni are among the many who are sharing advice, experience
May 10, 2024

Class of ’24 banner revealed: Unity, strength, new beginnings

When the Class of ’24 arrived on campus, many of them hadn’t made connections with classmates other than maybe a teammate or roommate. COVID-19 had shifted everything for them. So now, as they prepare to make the final walk across the stage on Sunday, 他们敏锐地意识到,作为一个群体,他们是多么努力地培养一种社区和团结的意识
May 10, 2024

Award-winning science teacher receives 2024 Young Alumni Award

Although their Commencement is two days away, 周四晚上,一群24届即将毕业的学生兴高采烈地参加了他们的第一次正式澳门银河网站活动——一年一度的“超越贝格”庆祝活动, hosted by the Office of Alumni Engagement. 学生们享受美食和饮料,并参加了由协会成员捐赠的30多个大奖的抽奖活动
May 9, 2024

Buying backpacks: Criminal justice honorary lends a hand to kids in need

School supplies can be expensive. 想想那些上学时没有任何生活用品的孩子,因为他们的父母连最起码的生活用品都负担不起. Thanks to Heidelberg’s chapter of Alpha Phi Sigma, the Criminal Justice honorary, a special group of 10 local children already have school supplies for the fall, and won’t have to face the stress of
Apr 29, 2024

Heidelberg celebrates Arbor Day, Tree Campus designation

最近,澳门银河网站树木委员会成员举行了一场活动,庆祝胡被国家植树节基金会命名为“树木校园”. This comes one year after the dedication of the Dr. Percy L. Lilly Forest. Drs. 道格·凯恩和诺埃尔·马诺以及环境科学专业的学生凯利·彼得森(从左到右)向校园社区通报了情况
Apr 23, 2024

Working stand-up comics – including 2 alums – add authenticity to class

Stand-up comedy is about more than belly laughs. It’s an art form that delves into cultural impact and work ethic as well as funny jokes. “单口相声的艺术”-艺术家荣誉研讨会小组的学生,由传播学教授刘志强博士教授. Julie O’Reilly and marketing professor Dr. Salil Khetani – learned about the intricacies of the
Apr 19, 2024

Class's zoo visit combines career insights with some animal fun

Most of us have fond childhood memories of family outings to the zoo. 但是Lisa Kahle-Piasecki的人力资源管理班最近有了一个很酷的机会,让它更进一步:他们有机会深入托莱多动物园的幕后,了解更多关于它的日常运作. Of course, they also enjoyed getting up close with
Apr 17, 2024

Get HYPE'd: Speakers for 2024-25 academic year revealed

The 2024-25 academic year will mark the ninth year of the HYPE Career Ready® Program. 澳门银河网站很高兴地宣布澳门银河网站即将到来的一年的演讲者,并自豪地继续为HYPE的整体使命做出贡献-培养对学生毕业后至关重要的职业能力-多样性
Apr 10, 2024

'Berg promotes Erin Eaton to head women's basketball coach

澳门银河网站体育主管格雷格·库珀宣布提拔艾琳·伊顿为女子篮球队主教练. Erin, 在雷切尔·米斯辞职后,他一直是这个项目的临时总教练, served as the top assistant for The Berg during the 2023-24 season. Erin becomes the program's seventh head coach since