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Campus, alumni mourn passing of iconic math professor Mel Casler

1月2日星期二. 2, 2024, 随着数学荣誉教授梅尔·卡斯勒的去世,澳门银河网站失去了一位深受爱戴的退休教师. 以下是澳门银河网站校长罗布·亨廷顿(Rob Huntington)与知情人士分享的致敬公告, loved and will miss Mel. January 5, 2024 Dear Colleagues, With a heavy heart, I write to

Internship Chronicles, Chapter 41: Darian Dick

One fall day, a Student Prince decided to go on a little adventure. “用不了多久我就会有自己的事业,”王子说,“所以我最好现在就开始准备.” So with some ’Berg education under their hat, and some connections in their back pocket, the Student Prince began forging their way through an internship. We continue our web series

Student Prince DB Key Cunningham named D3football.com全美

萨勒姆,弗吉尼亚州. 澳门银河网站的高级后卫Key Cunningham被D3football评为全美第三阵容.com. 一周前, 在12月中旬, Key was named first-team All-Region for the first time in his career. The West Palm Beach, Fla.他在大四的时候为学生王子足球队效力. He

Physician Assistant pathway: HU, Mercy College ink partnership

今年秋季进入澳门银河网站的学生中,近四分之一的人表示对健康专业感兴趣. 而这所大学提供了一系列10个职业前健康项目, 与俄亥俄仁慈学院(MCOH)的新合作伙伴关系将允许最认真的学生将他们的职业抱负提升到一个新的水平. 澳门银河网站和MCOH

Appreciation: Students express their thanks to professors

随着假期的临近,孩子们和孩子们的心都在列他们的愿望清单. 但对于澳门银河网站的学生来说,澳门银河网站的支持性教师阵容是任何人都可以要求的! 今年,欧文教学中心再次开展了“感谢教授”项目. 该中心共收到65份学生回复,感谢38个不同的人

Where HU Takes U: Walter Kalinowski

Once a part of the Heidelberg family, always a part of the Heidelberg family – but after graduation, 澳门银河网站的学生王子现在是一个新社区的勤奋和不断学习的领导者. 在澳门银河网站新的网络系列节目中, 澳门银河网站正在向澳门银河网站的应届毕业生询问他们的澳门银河网站之旅, and asking them Where HU Takes U. Walter Kalinowski Walter

45 'Berg student-athletes earn 学术 All-OAC honors

WESTERVILLE - As announced by the Ohio Athletic 会议 today, 45 Heidelberg student athletes received 学术 All-OAC honors. The accolades are given to fall varsity athletes who maintained a 3.在2023年春季结束时获得5 GPA,并在澳门银河网站完成了整整一年的学习. Women's Soccer led all teams with 15 student athletes


Senior Alex McRandal is set to graduate early on Friday, and during his time at Heidelberg, he has definitely kept himself busy. Discovering his passion for computer science in high school, Alex chose to major in 计算机科学 and 电子游戏制作. “我在高中三年级的时候上了一门课,在那里我学到了关于心理的知识

'Berg to install life-saving naloxone emergency kits

这些天来,你很难在新闻中找到阿片类药物成瘾或死亡的报道. Overdoses involving opioids such as fentanyl killed 69,710 people in 2020 – up nearly 20,000 from just a year earlier, 根据国家卫生统计中心公布的临时数据. Additional research indicates that the use of opioids

Internship Chronicles, Chapter 40: 克里斯汀•Kracht

One summer day, a Student Prince decided to go on a little adventure. “用不了多久我就会有自己的事业,”王子说,“所以我最好现在就开始准备.” So with some ’Berg education under their hat, and some connections in their back pocket, the Student Prince began forging their way through an internship. We continue our web series

Get ready this Reading Day: Study-a-Thon at Beeghly!

最新消息:祝参加首届Study-a-Thon活动的170个人好运. 600 study hours were logged during the 12 hour event. Thanks to the ingenuity of the Owen Center, and the dedication of 'Berg students, this finals week will be a piece of cake for everyone involved! This year on Reading Day, December 10th, the Owen Center is hosting

Introducing a new 入学 pathway: The Student Prince Promise

自成立以来, 欧文教学和学习中心帮助澳门银河网站的学生解决困难的作业, prepare for challenging exams, and learn difficult material. In light of the support that the Owen Center provides, 澳门银河网站的招生办公室已经开始让澳门银河网站的教育更容易为学术水平高的学生提供服务

Final Jeopardy finesse: 'Berg MAT students win Quiz Bowl!

11月11日,来自澳门银河网站的研究生参加了俄亥俄州运动教练协会(OATA)会议. 18 – and won the Quiz Bowl while there! 该团队包括三名体育训练硕士学生——马迪·夏普, Alyssa Potteiger-Stewart and Halie Monhollen. Jena Suffel, Clinical 教育 Coordinator and

Heidelberg awarded $1M+ in new Choose Ohio First funding

澳门银河网站(澳门银河网站)在为俄亥俄州全州STEM人才发展做出贡献的持续努力中,刚刚获得了巨大的推动. 校长罗布·亨廷顿宣布,大学将获得1美元.050 million in Choose Ohio First funding. 最近的奖项是澳门银河网站通过“选择俄亥俄第一”项目获得的第二个奖项. 2021年,

Sigs rock for kids, uphold 38-year charity tradition

The men of Sigma Tau Nu Fraternity held a 24-hour Rock-A-Thon on Nov.3-4, 为澳门银河网站学生Caleb Silvia创立的组织Caleb Cares 4 Kids筹集了650多美元. 该慈善机构为儿科医院的患者及其家属提供礼品和经济支持. But the story behind the Rock-A-Thon goes all the way back to 1985, and

'Berg Speech Team victorious at BGSU's Falcon Classic

11月18日,澳门银河网站演讲队在州立鲍灵格林大学的“猎鹰经典”演讲比赛中表现出色. 从堪萨斯州到新罕布什尔州的17所大学参加了200多所大学的年度竞赛. 领导澳门银河网站队的是校队成员和大四学生朱莉娅·谢弗和凯尔西·斯坦菲尔德. 茱莉亚

Where HU Takes U: Lydia Rodriguez

Once a part of the Heidelberg family, always a part of the Heidelberg family – but after graduation, 澳门银河网站的学生王子现在是一个新社区的勤奋和不断学习的领导者. 在澳门银河网站新的网络系列节目中, 澳门银河网站正在向澳门银河网站的应届毕业生询问他们的澳门银河网站之旅, and asking them Where HU Takes U. 莉迪亚罗德里格斯莉迪亚

Internship Chronicles, Chapter 39: Molly Cannon

One summer day, a Student Prince decided to go on a little adventure. “用不了多久我就会有自己的事业,”王子说,“所以我最好现在就开始准备.” So with some ’Berg education under their hat, and some connections in their back pocket, the Student Prince began forging their way through an internship. We continue our web series

Anatomy class expresses gratitude for body donors

博士在读学生. 周四,帕姆·费伯(Pam Faber)的400级尸体检检课延续了传统,向沉默的教学伙伴表达了感激之意,他们给了他们一份罕见而神奇的礼物. The students – Camryn Casto, 凯蒂eml, Katelynn Helminiak, 克里斯汀•Kracht, Kailyn Kroll, Brynlee银朱, Michael Woody and Morgan

Board of Trustees extends President Huntington's contract

The 澳门银河网站 Board of Trustees has announced that, in accordance with the terms of President Robert H. 根据亨廷顿2024-2029年的雇佣协议,他的合同又延长了一年. 董事会主席Kathleen Tirbovich Geier在10月份的董事会秋季会议后宣布了这一消息. Rob was given a rolling

Behavioral Science Showcase 2023: An education celebration!

11月12日,心理与犯罪学系的年度行为科学展示会邀请了三位年轻的澳门银河网站小组成员回到校园,谈论他们的职业生涯, 而系里的在校生则展示了他们的最终研究或实习经历. This year, the panel of former students consisted of Meredith

Coming Fall ’25: New Fieldhouse will transform, energize campus

澳门银河网站即将启动其历史上规模最大、最具变革性的项目之一. 在周六, the upcoming new Student 体育运动, 学术, and Recreation Center was revealed publicly. 新设施, affectionally called the Fieldhouse, will be located on the site of the current Senior Apartments on Main