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Oct 5, 2023

实习纪事,第36章:Kiara Grow

One summer day, a Student Prince decided to go on a little adventure. “It won’t be long before I have a career,” the Prince said, “so I’d better start preparing now.“因此,在他们的帽子下有一些'伯格教育', 还有一些幕后关系, the Student Prince began forging their way through an internship. 澳门银河网站继续澳门银河网站的网络系列
Oct 4, 2023


The German Stammtisch (shtahm-tish) happens every Wednesday at 6 p.m. in Pfleiderer 102. The Stammtisch is a casual get-together with games, music, and informal conversation. It’s open to everyone: Students of all levels of German as well as others with an interest in German are invited to participate. 这一切都是为了享受乐趣,分享文化
Oct 3, 2023

Athletics fundraising campaign, Berg Days of Summer, surpasses goal

这是连续第三年了, Heidelberg Athletics' Berg Days of Summer comprehensive fundraiser has surpassed its goal. 而家庭的礼物继续滚滚而来, friends and alumni, 该部门已经筹集了超过76美元,000. Started in 2021, 伯格夏日是一年一度的节日, 为期一个月的努力,帮助每个团队筹集资金
Oct 3, 2023

Jackson Helmholtz:学生领导种族灭绝预防会议

Jackson Helmholtz is thrilled to share their passion for genocide education with the campus and community through the Lichtman-Behm Lecture Series. 杰克逊是今年春天即将毕业的三年级学生. 他们来自德克斯特, Michigan, and are studying theatre with a concentration in acting here at Heidelberg. 他们已经指示
Sep 29, 2023


This semester, The Patricia Adams Lecture Series (PALS) at Heidelberg hosted Jenny Levy, legendary head coach of the University of North Carolina’s women’s lacrosse team, 作为主讲人. Jenny has led her team to three national championships and was twice named the National Coach of the Year. 2017年,她被任命为中国男篮主教练
Sep 29, 2023


曾经是澳门银河网站家族的一员, 一直是澳门银河网站大家庭的一员——但在毕业之后, our Student Princes are now the hard-working and ever-learning leaders of a new community. 在澳门银河网站新的网络系列节目中, we’re checking in with our recent grads about their Heidelberg journeys, 然后问他们胡把你带到哪里去了. 西莉亚·德tray西莉亚·德tray
Sep 28, 2023


The world of podcasting has made its arrival to Heidelberg this year, and all students are more than welcome to come bring their own ideas to life! 9月29日,星期五,下午2点.m. in the GEM Center, Aaron Nelson, 多样性主任, 包容与归属感, will be hosting an informational session about Heidelberg’s podcasting equipment and
Sep 27, 2023

伯格在美国实现了重大飞跃.S. 新闻“最佳价值”类别

澳门银河网站在美国大学排名上升.S. News & World Report’s annual survey of “Best Value” colleges and universities in the Midwest region. 在9月9日发布的排行榜中. 澳门银河网站排在第18位. 27 – up from No. 一年前是48——在“最具价值”榜单上. According to the magazine, placement on the “Best Value” list confirms that
Sep 26, 2023


On Tuesday, September 26, the Office of Student Accessibility Services and the Office of Diversity, 包容与归属感 hosted a 50th birthday party for the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 changed accessibility throughout the nation. Upon its passing, discrimination based on ability was banned in all programs that
Sep 25, 2023


在近年来最大的人群的注视下, the 澳门银河网站 Athletics Hall of Fame inducted its 37th class on Saturday night in Seiberling Gymnasium. 供奉的是运动员, 1976年的教练兼管理员杰瑞·麦克唐纳, Coach Larry Brown, 2005-06年摔跤队和2007年排球队. 麦克唐纳,1972年Stagg的成员
Sep 22, 2023


Middle-school and high school students had a unique opportunity to explore careers related to water quality and agriculture on Heidelberg’s campus Thursday. Heidelberg’s renowned National Center for Water Quality Research (NCWQR) hosted the 2023 Water Career Fair in conjunction with co-sponsor the Sandusky River Watershed Coalition. According to
Sep 22, 2023

实习纪事,第35章:Caitlyn Weirich

One summer day, a Student Prince decided to go on a little adventure. “It won’t be long before I have a career,” the Prince said, “so I’d better start preparing now.“因此,在他们的帽子下有一些'伯格教育', 还有一些幕后关系, the Student Prince began forging their way through an internship. 澳门银河网站继续澳门银河网站的网络系列
Sep 21, 2023


There’s good news on the horizon for future students of Heidelberg’s MBA program. Dr. Anne Anderson, 商学院院长, 宣布从2024年秋季开始, 澳门银河网站的MBA课程将完全在线提供. “I think this online format will benefit our students as it will give them the flexibility needed to work
Sep 19, 2023

Happy Constitution Day: Judge brings Court to Campus to celebrate

穿着传统的司法服, Seneca County Common Pleas Court Judge Steve Shuff sat behind a makeshift bench, surrounded by the typical court officials: the county prosecutor, defense attorneys, defendants, the court bailiff, 受害者辩护律师和其他法庭和执法人员. 唯一不同的是,今天的法庭
Sep 19, 2023


贝格活动委员会, also known as BEC, 星期一举行了一个手工艺之夜, September 18, 在大学公地, 与可持续发展联盟(AFS)合作. When BEC President Jocelyn Everett was looking through the craft kits available for purchase, she found the plant-themed ones – and the gears started turning. 乔斯林是其中一员
Sep 19, 2023


学习安全常识永远不会嫌年轻. A group of Heidelberg student-athletes had a role in making sure local little ones get off on the right foot in learning the importance of road and fire safety. The Tiffin Police Department and the Tiffin Fire/Rescue Division annually conduct Safety City – a structured program to teach children
Sep 15, 2023


In its first year of competition, Heidelberg’s Esports team feels somewhat like an underdog. As the digital athletic competition based around video games becomes a mainstay on campus, 迈向成功的每一步都让人更加满足. In January, Ryan McDannell was hired to develop Heidelberg’s first Esports team. 他请来了蒂芬本地人
Sep 15, 2023


曾经是澳门银河网站家族的一员, 一直是澳门银河网站大家庭的一员——但在毕业之后, our Student Princes are now the hard-working and ever-learning leaders of a new community. 在澳门银河网站新的网络系列节目中, we’re checking in with our recent grads about their Heidelberg journeys, 然后问他们胡把你带到哪里去了. 伊森·坎贝尔
Sep 12, 2023


If you read retired NFL veteran linebacker Brandon Copeland’s personal “money playbook,“你会知道他是一个商人, man, not a businessman. On Tuesday, Copeland spoke to a packed Seiberling Gymnasium crowd of students, 教职员工如何创建自己的财务剧本. Now a financial educator, philanthropist and real estate developer
Sep 8, 2023


Beeghly Library is undergoing several changes to make their space a more accessible “one-stop-shop for students’ academic needs,卡桑德拉·布朗局长说. 尽管还有更多的新项目即将推出, Beeghly Library has already become the place for students to receive research guidance, academic support, advising and
Sep 8, 2023


One summer day, a Student Prince decided to go on a little adventure. “It won’t be long before I have a career,” the Prince said, “so I’d better start preparing now.“因此,在他们的帽子下有一些'伯格教育', 还有一些幕后关系, the Student Prince began forging their way through an internship. 澳门银河网站继续澳门银河网站的网络系列
Sep 8, 2023


We are quickly approaching the end of the first month at Heidelberg for our freshmen. When our freshmen waved their families “goodbye” in the middle of August, they may not have realized that the entire Heidelberg family was waving them “hello!这句问候之后,他又提出了一些明智的建议. 澳门银河网站的高年级学生,教职员工
Aug 31, 2023


曾经是澳门银河网站家族的一员, 一直是澳门银河网站大家庭的一员——但在毕业之后, our Student Princes are now the hard-working and ever-learning leaders of a new community. 在澳门银河网站新的网络系列节目中, we’re checking in with our recent grads about their Heidelberg journeys, 然后问他们胡把你带到哪里去了. 德莱尼吉尔德莱尼吉尔