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Jun 23, 2023

Bikeables and Hikeables: The Seneca County Museum

I love the Seneca County Museum. 距离澳门银河网站校园中心仅5分钟的自行车车程, the Seneca County Museum is housed in the old home of Rezin Shawhan, Tiffin’s first millionaire. (With inflation, he would be worth about $23 million today.) Upon his passing in 1887, he left money to Heidelberg, the local library and
Jun 21, 2023

Internship Chronicles, Chapter 27: Reese Recker

One summer day, a Student Prince decided to go on a little adventure. “用不了多久我就会有自己的事业,”王子说,“所以我最好现在就开始准备.” So with some ’Berg education under their hat, and some connections in their back pocket, the Student Prince began forging their way through an internship. We continue our web series
Jun 14, 2023

Join Heidelberg, Tiffin community in celebrating Juneteenth

澳门银河网站将于下午2点在比格利图书馆举行六月节升旗活动.m. Friday. As part of the flag raising, 六月节的历史和意义将与所有出席者分享. 社区里的每个人都被邀请参加和学习,为社区周末的庆祝活动做准备
Jun 13, 2023

MBA students faring well in simulated global market competition

Students in Dr. Trish Berg的GSB 590战略管理课程目前正在参加一个名为GLO-BUS的全球市场竞争. 这些学生——球队经理凯瑟琳·布雷迪、萨姆·伦扬和亨特·格林曼——以KWK科技的名义参加比赛,他们表现得相当不错. In GLO-BUS, teams run companies in a competitive
Jun 12, 2023

Worth the trip: ’Berg Family Vacation brings joy to hundreds of alumni

Hugs, smiles, tears of joy, laughter, more hugs, stories shared, friends reconnected, photos taken, memories made. 这些都是2023澳门银河网站周末“伯格家庭假期”最感人的亮点. It was a busy and special weekend from start to finish. Here’s a recap of some of the favorite and traditional events. LONG LIVE DR. LILLY’S LEGACY
Jun 12, 2023

Alumni honored for service to alma mater, others

每个澳门银河网站周末的一个亮点是表彰个人和家庭,他们通过他们的职业生涯和服务,在他们的贡献和他们的目标生活中表现出色. At Alumni Weekend 2023, we were honored to recognize one of our own, Bob Youngblood, a member of the great Class
Jun 9, 2023

’Berg honors alum, Trustee for commitment to student success

Dr. 特里欧文' 63 -一个人与学生的成功和无私的精神敏锐的眼睛-是2023受托人杰出服务奖的获得者. 周四晚上,在澳门银河网站遗产协会年度晚宴上,总统罗布·亨廷顿(Rob Huntington)颁发了该奖项. The dinner officially kicked off a three-day Alumni Weekend celebration
Jun 9, 2023

Bikeables and Hikeables: Tiffin Flea Market

Join Digital Marketing Specialist and recent ’Berg alum Em Swain ’22, MBA ’23 as they visit some of Tiffin’s hidden gems, only a short bike-ride away from Heidelberg University’s campus. It’s our summer web series, Bikeables and Hikeables! 午餐跳蚤市场每月有一个周末在塞内卡县集市的周六和周日开放
Jun 2, 2023

Bikeables and Hikeables: St. Francis

Join Digital Marketing Specialist and recent ’Berg alum Em Swain ’22, MBA ’23 as they visit some of Tiffin’s hidden gems, only a short bike-ride away from Heidelberg University’s campus. It’s our summer web series, Bikeables and Hikeables! The St. Francis community campus is the definition of peace and quiet. Only an 8-minute bike ride from the
May 31, 2023


澳门银河网站正在为下周末(6月9日至11日)到来的近500名澳门银河网站做准备,因为该大学将举办一年一度的澳门银河网站周末. This year’s theme is “’Berg Family Vacation.” A variety of activities are planned on campus for returning alumni, who will have the opportunity to enjoy a picnic dinner and music, Classes Without Quizzes, the
May 26, 2023

Research on the Horizon: Students work side by side with professors

六位澳门银河网站妇女正在俄亥俄州妇女感化院进行研究. In order to evaluate a prison re-entry program, four students – Paige Collins, Hope Kreais, Logyn Chamberlin and Maddie Moore – helped their professors, Dr. Sarah Lazzari and Dr. Ginny Gregg, facilitate focus groups and administer surveys For many of the
May 22, 2023

Media class renews their love of Tiffin community

Dr. 洪老师的多媒体讲故事班已经完成了他们这学期的课题. “小镇项目:重新发现蒂芬”是对蒂芬市民和社区的跨媒体探索, Ohio, centralized in an interactive map. Throughout the past semester, 学生们正在研究和采访各种组织
May 16, 2023

Hope Floats: Alumnus Paul Wargo's creativity returns to the 'Berg

Paul Wargo knew his future plans when he was in high school. When asked about it by his choir director and lifelong mentor, the late Ted Hieronymus, Heidelberg class of ’65, Paul was fairly certain, “I’m going into business.” “Why?” Mr. Hieronymus asked. “My dad says all this music stuff is fun, but you can’t make a living with it.” And then Mr
May 14, 2023

Commencement ’23: New grads step into hopeful futures

On a sun-soaked Mother’s Day morning, 23届毕业生走出了澳门银河网站的家,进入了一个未知的世界,但也是一个充满希望的世界. 2023年是澳门银河网站的第170届毕业典礼,这是庆祝300名本科生和研究生取得成就的光荣日子,他们现在可以称自己为“澳门银河网站澳门银河网站”. A lively and
May 14, 2023


劳伦·肖(Lauren Shaw)和利瓦伊·迈尔斯(Levi Myers)在两年前进入澳门银河网站(Heidelberg)新开设的运动训练硕士(MAT)课程之前,就已经有了交集. Now, 他们两人还有一个共同点:他们是澳门银河网站有史以来第一批获得硕士学位的学生. In 2021, Heidelberg’s popular Athletic Training program transitioned to the
May 12, 2023

Home: Class of ’23 banner reflects warm feelings of ’Berg experience

“在澳门银河网站最初的一次会议上,澳门银河网站都得出结论,澳门银河网站是澳门银河网站的家. That was our big thing.” Home. That became the theme for the Class of ‘23’s banner, 在今天早上的毕业典礼彩排上,它被公开并交给了罗布·亨廷顿校长. It’s one of Heidelberg’s most long-standing and beloved traditions. Home
May 12, 2023

Young Alumni Award winner shares wisdom for Class of ’23

Erin (Watts) Marchant ' 06是今年青年澳门银河网站成就奖的获得者, 作为“超越伯格”活动的一部分,欢迎今年即将毕业的大四学生加入澳门银河网站大家庭. 该奖项旨在表彰在第5届至第20届班级聚会期间表现出领导力和成就的应届毕业生
May 11, 2023

Dad to grad: Music ed major relies on love, support of family

Kortland Andrews was 19 and his girlfriend, Chloe, 18岁时,他们的整个世界发生了天翻地覆的变化——以一种最好的、最意想不到的方式. He was halfway through the spring semester of his sophomore year, and admittedly, “everything was going great as planned.几乎在COVID-19关闭的同时,这对夫妇得知克洛伊是
May 10, 2023

Military-friendly: ’Berg named a Collegiate Purple Star campus

一项校园合作,为澳门银河网站赢得了大学紫星校园的称号——由职业服务专家Dr. Carole Thomas, who is a U.S. Army veteran – has come to fruition. On Tuesday, 俄亥俄州高等教育局局长兰迪·加德纳宣布,澳门银河网站是俄亥俄州最新的高等教育之一
May 5, 2023

OAC Championship toss: 'Berg’s Reese Recker takes first in javelin

ALLIANCE, 俄亥俄州——澳门银河网站的男子和女子田径队在俄亥俄州田径大会锦标赛上开了个好头. On day one, 大二学生瑞茜·雷克(Reese Recker)获得了OAC女子标枪比赛的冠军,这是伯格历史上第四位获得该项目冠军的女性. The first day of the competition consisted of
May 4, 2023

A spring in Sevilla: 'Maravilloso'

汉娜·胡思梅克(Hannah Huthmaker)从大一开始就知道自己想去西班牙留学. She began her career at Heidelberg as a biology-Spanish double major, working closely with Julie Arnold (now retired) and Dr. Lepeley to make her future trip a reality. 当她大二决定转读生物化学专业时,所有这些计划都
May 4, 2023

Celebratory Multicultural, Lavender graduations foster sense of belonging

As a way of recognizing international, Hispanic, African American, and LGBTQ and ally seniors, 澳门银河网站最近在本月晚些时候的毕业典礼之前为这些即将毕业的学生及其家人和朋友举行了特别的仪式. Aaron Nelson, who is in his first year as Director of Diversity, Equity and Belonging, coordinated the
May 3, 2023

A tree (actually, many trees) grows at Heidelberg: Celebrating Arbor Day

植树节是一个全国性的节日,鼓励保护和种植树木. This day of giving back comes on the last week of April, right after the celebration of Earth Day on the 22nd. In observation of Arbor Day, on Wednesday, Heidelberg added another tree to The Percy Lilly Campus Forest. The Percy Lilly Campus Forest, which encompasses