
There is always something new happening at Heidelberg University. 通过新闻、社交媒体、出版物等与澳门银河网站保持联系.

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Nov 10, 2023

‘Berg business dean: Commit to honor veterans’ sacrifice daily

On the eve of Veterans Day, Heidelberg’s School of Business Dean, Dr. Anne Anderson – a West Point graduate and a former officer in the U.S. 陆军工程兵团向校园社区和蒂芬居民发出挑战,要求他们承诺每天都要生活,以纪念那些为战争做出牺牲的人, and in many cases, died, for the freedoms we enjoy
Nov 10, 2023

Where HU Takes U: Mackenzie Dever

Once a part of the Heidelberg family, always a part of the Heidelberg family – but after graduation, 澳门银河网站的学生王子现在是一个新社区的勤奋和不断学习的领导者. In our new web series, 澳门银河网站正在向澳门银河网站的应届毕业生询问他们的澳门银河网站之旅, and asking them Where HU Takes U. Mackenzie Dever Mackenzie
Nov 9, 2023

Alum Leon Garoufalis '81 to join 'Berg's Board of Trustees

Alumnus Leon Garoufalis ’81, the President and Chief Executive Officer of Composites One, 被选为澳门银河网站董事会成员,任期四年, beginning in February 2024. 复合材料公司是北美复合材料和先进复合材料的领先供应商. Leon, who resides in Crystal
Nov 9, 2023

'Berg's new Data Analytics major opens limitless career doors

拥有数据分析学位,职业选择的大门就会敞开. 从1924年秋季开始,澳门银河网站将在其学术课程中增加这门专业和辅修课程. “Since everything is data-driven these days, 澳门银河网站(计算机科学系)已经讨论这个问题有一段时间了, and asking ourselves if it could be a major or minor
Nov 8, 2023

Nik McAvoy and the Student Military Support Alliance

Heidelberg University has a new student organization on campus. 学生军事支持联盟(SMSA)是一群学生一起工作,以导航军事经验, benefits and events. The president of the group is Nikolas McAvoy. 尼克今年是他在澳门银河网站的第三年,预计将在春季早些时候毕业. He’s majoring in
Nov 8, 2023

Dr. Bill Kimberlin '98: Conversations with the Condemned

Dr. Bill Kimberlin, a ‘98 graduate of Heidelberg’s graduate counseling program, returned virtually to Heidelberg on Monday to speak with Dr. Sarah Lazzari's Contemporary US Social Issues Class. 金伯林是一位作家,一位教授,但最重要的是一位研究者. “我从来不想成为那种只教我读过的东西的教授
Nov 3, 2023

Internship Chronicles, Chapter 38: Crimson Stuckert

一个夏天的一天,一个学生王子决定去进行一次小小的冒险. “用不了多久我就会有自己的事业,”王子说,“所以我最好现在就开始准备.” So with some ’Berg education under their hat, and some connections in their back pocket, the Student Prince began forging their way through an internship. We continue our web series
Oct 27, 2023

Meals with Mentors: Encouragement, fun and food!

Starting on Wednesday, November 1, 帕克赫斯特餐饮服务公司正在重塑贝格酒店的一项流行传统. “与导师一起用餐”将教职员工与学生一起轻松用餐,并在日常生活的所有工作之外建立联系. 这个更新的项目将在学年的周三继续,大约在晚餐时间
Oct 27, 2023

Where HU Takes U: Maddy Crawford

Once a part of the Heidelberg family, always a part of the Heidelberg family – but after graduation, 澳门银河网站的学生王子现在是一个新社区的勤奋和不断学习的领导者. In our new web series, 澳门银河网站正在向澳门银河网站的应届毕业生询问他们的澳门银河网站之旅, and asking them Where HU Takes U. Maddy Crawford Maddy
Oct 26, 2023

Toledo TV stations feature news of HU’s Title III grant

Last week’s news that Heidelberg is the recipient of a $2.1.65亿美元的联邦拨款引起了两个地区电视台的注意, among other media outlets. Last Friday, Jon Monk from WTOL was at Heidelberg and Wednesday, J.D. Pooley from WTVG visited the campus for the first time. Both multimedia journalists conducted interviews of
Oct 25, 2023

Genocide expert visits ’Berg: ‘Diplomacy must continue’

On Tuesday morning, 当地的初高中学生和澳门银河网站的学生都聚集在一起,了解现代种族灭绝的实例, the horrors that it causes, 以及为打击正在发生的种族灭绝并防止其再次发生所采取的措施. Lichtman-Behm种族灭绝系列讲座每年由专家或
Oct 20, 2023

These students love chemistry, and their secret message confirms it

这五个生物化学专业的学生——三个大四学生和两个23届毕业生——真的很喜欢化学. 他们在2021-22学年被委托做的一个项目已经取得了成果,并且真正证明了他们有多喜欢它. Courtney Temple and Lauren Mussig, both ’23, and current seniors Kirsten Kracht, Crimson Stuckert and
Oct 20, 2023

Internship Chronicles, Chapter 37: Aaron McCoy

一个夏天的一天,一个学生王子决定去进行一次小小的冒险. “用不了多久我就会有自己的事业,”王子说,“所以我最好现在就开始准备.” So with some ’Berg education under their hat, and some connections in their back pocket, the Student Prince began forging their way through an internship. We continue our web series
Oct 18, 2023

HYPE演讲者Crystal Kadakia:征服职业恐惧,实现人生

Crystal Kadakia served as this year’s 2nd HYPE Speaker. She has “been an adult for 16 years now,” and in those past 16 years, 她培养了解决问题和搭建桥梁的热情,成为组织变革方面的专家. 今天早上,她为澳门银河网站的学生们所做的演讲激发了他们的想象力和思考
Oct 17, 2023

Sigma Tau Nu awards first Jack Bertolino Memorial Scholarship

When you throw a party, you never really know who will show up. Such was the case at Heidelberg Homecoming in 2019. 当年的年度活动也是西格玛Tau Nu兄弟会成立70周年. Invitations went out and everyone hoped for a good turnout, the chance to reminisce and even meet new friends. It just so happened that Jack J
Oct 17, 2023

Despite the weather, Homecoming '23 still brings warmth, joy

Homecoming 2023 has come and gone. After a week of events for current students, 星期六早晨到来的时候,贝格的自豪感是显而易见的. Although it was cold and rainy, 澳门银河网站的校园充满了温暖和活力,澳门银河网站们与老朋友和新同学重新联系在一起! Homecoming 2023 Photo Gallery
Oct 13, 2023

Where HU Takes U: Tyler Harp

Once a part of the Heidelberg family, always a part of the Heidelberg family – but after graduation, 澳门银河网站的学生王子现在是一个新社区的勤奋和不断学习的领导者. In our new web series, 澳门银河网站正在向澳门银河网站的应届毕业生询问他们的澳门银河网站之旅, and asking them Where HU Takes U. Tyler Harp Tyler Harp grew
Oct 12, 2023

Heidelberg professor trains future managers in fun, creative ways

澳门银河网站商学院(Heidelberg School of Business)一直在寻找创造性的方法,教导学生良好沟通在管理中的重要性. Associate Professor of Management Dr. 特里什·伯格一直在寻找方法,让学生们参与到可以应用到未来工作中的练习中, and she found one she’s been utilizing for years. In her
Oct 10, 2023

School of Business series keynote to inspire authentic leadership

澳门银河网站商学院(Heidelberg’s School of Business)将在即将到来的领导力系列课程中邀请一位真正的领导力专家. 该系列的目的是把优秀的组织领导人从美国各地.S. 来到澳门银河网站校园,分享他们在领导力方面的见解和经验. The series launched in May 2022. Dan Owolabi, the
Oct 9, 2023

New MAC grant aims to support marginalized populations

澳门银河网站心理咨询硕士课程的教师和学生都变得超级聪明. MAC faculty members Dr. Robin DuFresne and Dr. Meagan McBride recently received word that a $990,他们撰写了一份名为“服务乡镇边缘青少年培训”的基金, or SMARTT – has been fully funded for 2023-25 by the Health
Oct 9, 2023

Go "To Berg and Beyond" this Homecoming!

It's Homecoming! This year, 贝格活动委员会选择了“致贝格及未来”的主题,将这一周的庆祝活动与周六的游行和比赛联系起来. Don’t worry, 这些以太空为主题的活动对所有本科生都是免费的,而且气氛浓厚! Monday, October 9 3:00 PM - Doug’s Wire Writing Legacy Patio Doug’s