
There is always something new happening at 澳门银河网站. Stay connected with us through news, social media, publications and more.


A tree (actually, many trees) grows at Heidelberg: Celebrating Arbor Day

Arbor Day is a national holiday that encourages conservation and planting trees. This day of giving back comes on the last week of April, right after the celebration of Earth Day on the 22nd. 为了庆祝植树节, 周三, Heidelberg added another tree to The Percy Lilly Campus Forest. The Percy Lilly Campus Forest, which encompasses

Rock Creek Review tackles 'What is Justice?'

《澳门银河网站》是澳门银河网站文学研究与批评的本科生期刊. 它接受世界各地的本科生的作品,而不是澳门银河网站的学生. 今年,Rock Creek评论小组出版了第三卷,副标题是“什么是正义”?” The theme was picked by managing editor

Reaching Gen Z: 市场营销 prof shares expertise on alum’s podcast

Heidelberg alumnus 杰里米 Harrison recently hosted ‘Berg 市场营销 professor Dr. Salil Khetani on his podcast, The Savvy Marketer. 杰里米, 2000年毕业, 是Spire的创始人兼首席执行官, a digital marketing agency with offices in 吃午饭, 亚什兰和麦地那. Spire assists small to mid-sized companies with their expertise in 市场营销

Big stage: Expo offers valuable experience for Berg Enactus team

Berg Enactus has come a long way in a short time. 上周, 他们的努力一路走到全国舞台当五名学生和他们的指导老师, 斯科特·米勒教授, 前往达拉斯参加创行美国国家博览会(Enactus United States National Exposition),这是一项全国竞赛.S. 展示集体

Microbiologist Mark 皮尔普斯 '74 educates, inspires

在周五, Mark 皮尔普斯 ' 74参观了他的甜蜜阿尔玛之家,与微生物学学生和投资社区成员分享他的前沿研究信息. 他是受博士的邀请. Justin Pruneski, to share his life's work in microbiology with the students of Dr. Pruneski's Cell and Molecular 生物学, and Microbiology Courses. Dr. 皮尔普斯

UNC Hall of Fame collegiate lacrosse coach to be next PALS speaker

北卡罗来纳大学女子曲棍球教练珍妮·列维——名人堂成员,也是这项运动中获奖最多的教练之一——将于今年秋天来到澳门银河网站,担任2023年帕特里夏·亚当斯系列讲座的主旨演讲者. The announcement of Jenny’s visit to Heidelberg was made today by Susan McCafferty, PALS遴选主席

Spring Senior Honors presentations on tap this week

共有18名荣誉学生将在周二至周四展示他们最后的高级荣誉项目, 4月25日至27日下午3:15-6点.m.两天都在赫布斯特教堂. 通过荣誉455课程, 学生与教师导师一起工作,加深他们对专业中引人注目的兴趣主题的理解. Their presentations will outline

Jammin’ with the animals: Excelsior event brings fun, raises funds

Excelsior Men’s Society had a great thing going with its annual fundraiser, 动物果酱——然后是COVID. For the first time since the pandemic, the EX’s brought back Animal Jam on Saturday, 这是一个巨大的成功. Excelsior于2015年创办了Animal Jam,以提高人们对野生动物康复的认识,同时也为当地人举办了一场充满乐趣的活动

Alumnus, Cleveland banker to deliver 2023 Commencement address

伯格澳门银河网站马克. Stefanski, 谁拥有30多年的杰出银行业高管和慈善家的职业生涯, 被选中在周日澳门银河网站第170届毕业典礼上发表主题演讲, 5月14日. 他是克利夫兰第三联邦储蓄和贷款协会的主席兼首席执行官. He

Freshman Yaniah Powell lands prestigious NSF summer research experience

Though she’s just a freshman, Yaniah “Niah” Powell knows where she’s headed. 享有盛誉的美国国家科学基金会本科生研究经历(REU)将帮助她实现这一目标. 5月29日, Niah前往位于夏洛特的北卡罗来纳大学(University of North Carolina)学习数据科学和犯罪分析,为期两个月. 国家科学

Greek Week: Unity with Kids and Kids-at-Heart

After a week of Nickelodeon-themed fun and giving back to the community, Greek Week 2023 is coming to an end on Saturday. The Greek Life Council’s Vice Presidents of Programming, Abi Bretz and J.T. Orahood planned how Heidelberg’s fraternities, sororities and societies would celebrate the nearing of the end of the academic year. “我真的是。

Internship Chronicles, Chapter 26: Jasmine Ridler

One spring day, a Student Prince decided to go on a little adventure. “用不了多久我就会有自己的事业,”王子说,“所以我最好现在就开始准备.” So with some ’Berg education under their hat, and some connections in their back pocket, the Student Prince began forging their way through an internship. 澳门银河网站继续澳门银河网站的网络系列

Freshman Caleb Silvia continues to "Care 4 Kids"!

Caleb Silvia is a freshman on a mission. When Caleb was a toddler, he was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder. Being so small, he didn’t remember much from his stay in the hospital. “But I remembered the toy cart,” he shared. In 2012, 凯莱布8岁时, 他决定在圣诞节前后为他重要的人“做点特别的事”

‘March King’ tribute: Symphonic Band to perform ‘Stars, Stripes & 苏萨的

澳门银河网站乐队总监Rod Miller选择了一个非常合适的人物——“三月之王”John Philip Sousa——作为他个人研究和表演灵感的基础. 索萨是美国作曲家和指挥家,主要以美国军事进行曲而闻名,他创作了著名的《澳门银河网站》和《澳门银河网站》以及海军陆战队的《澳门银河网站》

Student and artist 梅根 Vesely brightens up Excelsior Hall

With New Member 教育 Week barely in the rearview, some Greek groups around campus are busy spring cleaning their halls. The Excelsior Men’s Society alumni had something more in mind than just cleaning, 虽然, 当时他们委托商业营销专业的大四学生、当地艺术家梅根·维塞利用一幅新的壁画照亮了前大厅. 梅根

Internship Chronicles, Chapter 25: Noah Paris

One spring day, a Student Prince decided to go on a little adventure. “用不了多久我就会有自己的事业,”王子说,“所以我最好现在就开始准备.” So with some ’Berg education under their hat, and some connections in their back pocket, the Student Prince began forging their way through an internship. 澳门银河网站继续澳门银河网站的网络系列

Life and leadership: 'Berg biology students mentor middle schoolers

当三个澳门银河网站学生意识到他们对指导他们的小兄弟姐妹的热情时, they decided to spread that love and leadership outward. 安东尼Patellis, Kiara Grow和Noah Stahl在蒂芬的“明天的领导者HEI”中开始了他们自己的中学生指导计划.” The nonprofit organization aims to connect high

Minds@Work keynote: 研究 opens a world of possibilities

Event 脸谱网 Photo Gallery It’s a 野生, 野生, 外面的世界很狂野, 为本科生提供了各种有趣的研究机会和合作伙伴关系,让他们与教职员工一起探索发现. That was the message delivered by Dr. Alisa Hove是北卡罗来纳州阿什维尔沃伦威尔逊学院的生物学教授

Smiles all around as HU hosts annual Celebrity BB game

伯格橄榄球队主教练斯科特·唐纳森(Scott Donaldson)称这是“一年中最好的夜晚”.” Judging by the smiles and the friendly competition, he may be right. 周四晚上, 澳门银河网站在塞伯林体育馆举办了一年一度的塞内卡县机会中心名人篮球赛. The game pitted the Seneca Arrows with ‘Berg student-athletes